
More On Moral Paralysis

Dennis Hitzeman’s Worldview has some good comments on the same piece I linked to a few days ago. He identifies the root cause of the West’s “moral paralysis” as secular humanism.

He writes:

“As a result [of the moral ambiguity created by secular humanism], even instinctual reactions toward self-defense and self-preservation are undermined by the notion that maybe we are wrong. Because there is no clear definition of what is right and wrong, that lack of definition creates the possibility that those who oppose us, even those who are trying to kill us, might be right. In the end, we fail to act out of the incapacity to make a decision, and we suffer the inevitable consequences of that inability.

“Now, when the West is faced with a clear crisis in the form of a direct attack by fundamentalist Islam on the fundamentals of Western Civilization that has helped fuel 2500 years of virtually unchecked advancement, it no longer possesses the tools that it needs to act clearly and decisively against that threat. That inability to respond places the West in danger of being shaken to its very foundations with consequences far more dire than perhaps it has ever faced.

“There are no easy solutions to the problem that moral paralysis caused by the moral ambiguity of secular humanism has caused; however finding a way to reverse the damage that has been done is paramount to protecting our way of life and our society. The first step must be acknowledging what the problem is, and one can pray that such an acknowledgment leads to a solution before it is too late.”

Check out the rest of his post.

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